From my primary school days till my first three years in secondary school, I do not get to see the board clearly because I am short-sighted.

I would have to leave the back of the class and get my seat close to the board so I can see what the teacher had written on the chalkboard. I had earlier had some bad experiences of copying the wrong things.

I want to say to you: When you don’t see clearly, draw closer! Can I say that again? When it is not clear, draw closer. Do not just copy. Draw near. See the original before you compare, if at all, with the duplicate.

Moses saw the burning bush but did not clearly understand what he was seeing. He turned aside and drew closer and then God spoke through what he did not understand. There is a message in that confusion but draw near for God’s clarity.

God is unquestionable but He is not afraid of questions. Ask Him the What and the Why. Do not be like the crowd who hear what they do not understand and yet return home. Be like the disciples- Go to Him and ask questions.

The error most people make is rather than draw near to know what they do not understand, they stand aloof and criticise, seeking for faults like the Pharisees. Be a Nicodemus- God is not scared of your questions.

Draw Near to God and He will draw near to you. As a matter of fact, He has been waiting for you all along.

When you mess up like Adam, do not run away. He comes looking for you and you don’t have to hide. Everything you call weakness is what you have hidden from God’s light. Draw near.

Draw near. Ask questions. Grow intimacy. When you ask Him questions and you get answers, when life asks you questions, you will also have answers. Intimacy with God keeps us through tough moments. You will always have an answer drawn from the trust for that storm.

Draw Near and let it get clear.

There is love in sharing

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