A dear one went through a really rough time. He mentioned that one day, our father in the faith called him and told him to spend time in worship at the altar or else the poison of the situation would settle on his soul and the effect would be terrible.

He went to church and began to worship. It was initially tough. At a point, he hit the gusher. He began to cry and talk to God about the situation. It was at that point that he realised how hurt he was. He was bleeding. Worship cleansed the poison. He drew strength again.

The first time the word “worship” was used in the Bible was in Genesis 22:

And Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.”

Genesis 22:5 NKJV

Abraham had left home with Isaac and his servants to the region of Moriah where he is meant to lay Isaac on the altar as a sacrifice to the Lord.

You can imagine trusting the Lord for about 24 years for a seed. You had a great naming and weaning ceremony. People rejoiced with you that you now have an heir to inherit you. Then, the Lord asked for it.

Can you imagine trusting the Lord for a new house and after you built, the Lord asks you to give it as a seed to missions? Can you imagine that new car you asked the Lord for? You got it on a bill of favour and God then asks that you release it as a seed? Can you imagine hitting your first financial milestone and the Lord places a demand for it! How do you explain such moments?

Father Abraham was caught in that situation also. What would he say to these young men that they were heading to do? He called it “Worship”.

Anytime you are in a situation that is beyond words and description, the best response you can give is Worship!

What of the time you get a sack letter instead of a promotion letter? What happens when you prayed for a miracle and what you got does not seem like one? What will you do when it seems things are crumbling? Your first response must be worship.

Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped. Job 1:20 NKJV

There are situations that wants to put poison on your soul. If it will not settle on you, make sure you respond in worship. Worship gives you an elevated perspective. Worship brings you into the realm where clarity comes, and rest is found. Worship supplies strength for unusual times.

There are people who are fighting God today because of the poison a situation left and lodged in their heart. It settled in as offence. Offence is a stumbling block. It has caused many to derail. Worship can take care of that ‘internal bleeding’. Do not let it spread.

When you do not understand, trust and worship! I know you are deeply shaken but will you worship? I know it is your ‘only’ but will you call it worship? I know it is Isaac, but will you lay it down? It is called “Worship”. Call it worship. Now Worship!

© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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