When my mum realised in February 1986 that she had taken in, she found it hard to tell her husband. Why? They had both settled that two children were enough. And like most people would say, “God had blessed them with a boy and a girl”. It seems like the perfect full-stop moment and the traditional ” hang my boot” and retire into parenting kind of arrangement. They were done but God was not.
Mum said she heard the name of her third baby in the place of prayer- “Temiloluwa”. That was how she knew she was pregnant. Today, that third baby that was not planned for, but the Lord brought has dedicated his life to the service of the One who sent him; partnering with the Lord to touch and change lives and establish the Kingdom of the Lord.
I still tease my dad with the fact that I was the boy that was not planned for. They had good reasons- economic, parental and many more!
Listen! This may sound weird and unreasonable, but I want to say to as many as believe that this is the time to give birth (some literally to children) but for many, it will be the birth of a vision.
There was a Pharaoh that arose in the land of Egypt with a strange decree:
So, Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying, “Every son who is born you shall cast into the river and every daughter you shall save alive.”
Exodus 1:22 NKJV
What a decree! He turned the entire nation of Egypt into an army. He legitimized violence against the Israelites. Anyone could see a newborn that is a boy and throw the baby into the Nile to be eaten by crocodiles or drowned in the depths of the ocean.
But while it was safe to play it safe, a man of the House of Levi who married a woman of the tribe of Levi, who already had a boy and a girl and could have conveniently sang “Ebenezer” while they hung their boots, got pregnant again.
How were the nine months for Jochebed and Amram? What if it is a baby boy? They could not imagine him under the strong waves of the Nile. They refused to see the image of a boy eaten up by crocodiles.
They saw by faith. If faith starts it, faith will see us through it. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, there is something that God can work with already in your hands.
So, the woman conceived and bore a son. And when she saw that he was a beautiful child, she hid him for three months.
Exodus 2:2 NKJV
Do not be led by the prevailing pressures all around you. I know it does not make economic sense yet but there are Moses businesses emerging right now. There are Moses institutions being birthed now. Do you know how tough it would be if Moses was not born?
Listen, “Moses” businesses and institutions are raised by the same policies and in the same environment that should have killed them. Businesses are dying but can you push a little more- what if you are one of God’s designated Moses this season? What if you are the answer to the groanings of a nation?
There are “Moses Visions” rising right now in unusual places with unusual people. The only thing we all have in common is the priesthood. We are of a tribe that births in tough times. We speak as led. We are ambassadors. We move as instructed. We have mastered the art of hiding the “baby boy” but we also know the place of letting go and trusting the Lord.
I speak strength to you in Rivers! You are not going under! The Lagoons of Lagos will not overwhelm you. It will carry you to the arms that will nurture you. I see the eyes of visioners being open to see the advantages of this time. There will be some that will return from places everyone else is running to carrying “Moses” seeds. A nation is being born. The small one will become a great nation. The little one will become a thousand.
The heat of the north will not consume you. The clouds of protection have gathered over you. Listen! Give God something to work with. You will see mountains moving. Will you be His priest?
Where are the Amrams?
Where are His Jochebeds?
Where are the bold eagle-eyed Miriams?
Moses’ visions cannot be raised in isolation. They are raised in collaboration. No matter how much you hate the Pharaohs, you need to be calm and see God use them to raise your Moses. Even kings and queens shall be your nursing mothers. Selah.
Rise. Priests. Rise!
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa