I learnt a major lesson from my Pastor during my service year. He shared a story with us that I have not forgotten. It left a major imprint on my soul to date.

Pastor used to lecture in the medical sciences. One day, he went to his usual classes. One of his students asked him a question that he did not have the answer. He did not even know the answer. He had an option of saying gibberish or maybe converting it to everybody’s assignment stylishly. He did neither of the two.

Instead, the first thing he did was to admit to the class that he did not know the answer to the questions. He then asked if any of the students had an answer.

Be willing to admit that you do not know everything. It sets you free from pressure and pretence.

Elisha was an ordained prophet of God. The day the Shunnamite woman came to talk to him about her dead son, Elisha made a liberating statement:

But when she came to the man of God at the mountain, she fell to the ground before him and caught hold of his feet. Gehazi began to push her away, but the man of God said, “Leave her alone. She is deeply troubled, but the Lord has not told me what it is.”
2 Kings 4:27 NLT

‘The Lord has not told me’- even if you are the renowned prophet, do not allow anything to force you to pretend when you know you have not heard a word. He still went ahead to raise the dead.

On the pathway to growth, meekness must be learnt. Meekness is your password to greatness. Meekness is agreement with the Holy Spirit and not argument with Him.

There is a minister whose home was almost scattered yet he kept saying that he does not need a mentor. There was no one to hold him accountable for his actions. He was full of himself.

You cannot build a great marriage when your goal is to be right rather than to be one. In meekness, you submit to one another.

It takes meekness to stay teachable. Jesus at age twelve sat with teachers of the law to draw insight from them.

Three days later they finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions.
Luke 2:46 NLT

Some years later, the teachers of the law wondered how Jesus Christ became learned and knew so many books without having studied.

The people were surprised when they heard him. “How does he know so much when he hasn’t been trained?” they asked.
John 7:15 NLT

You are either full of the Spirit or you are full of yourself. If you are full of yourself, you will soon make a fool of yourself.

©temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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