We settled to feast on the pounded yam and vegetable soup. We were already quite hungry. Danielle had her own in a small dish. As we began to eat, we noticed she did not eat.

She kept looking at us as though she expected us to do something. Finally, she said, “Bless this Amala in Jesus name”.

We were shocked and remembered that we did not pray. Well! We paused. We blessed the meal. Then we all continued eating. She wanted us to pray before eating.

Twenty-four hours later, my wife said to me, “Ah! What she did challenged me”

There is nothing you deposit into a child consciously or unconsciously that is a waste. They are arrows in our bow. The parents determine how far, how fast and where they go.

In your day of weakness, may your seed be strong. David would have died in battle killed by a giant if he did not raise other giant killers.

Your deposit in a seed will someday return to you as a bonus or as a burden. Your child can challenge you to good works also.

There was an evening I asked for my dad after I returned from school and mum said, “You have infected your dad. He has gone upstairs to pray”.

Your deposit in your seed will return as a bonus or as a burden.

If you go a mile, your seed will likely go two.

There is a song we sing when I was in the Juvenile Choir in our Baptist Church. When translated it means:

“We are children. We are the heritage of the Lord. Like arrows in the hands of a mighty man so we are in our parent’s hand. It is what you request of us to do that we do:

If you lie, we will lie
If you steal, we will be robbers
If you are lazy, we will do much more

We simply do what we see you do and we do not see anything bad in it”

Children follow conducts and not just words.

What deposits are you making into your seed?

There is love in sharing

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