In my second year at the University, I was getting more involved in the business of video coverage. I was making some good money also.

At a point, I boasted to my Dad that I was making some good money. He gave me a stern warning, “I sent you to school to study Law and not to do business”.

When I had challenges in the business due to my ignorance and I needed help, my parents were not willing to help. I ended up facing my studies alone and forgot about business.

Constantly be on the lookout for seeds in your child and when you find one, nurture it and begin to help him groom it. Do not talk down on it.

Education is more than a certificate. It is the ability to apply acquired knowledge to bring about needed solutions.

A child should “face his studies” but must never neglect his skills also.

Teach your child financial intelligence that leads to financial independence. Today, many folks have certificates that they cannot convert to skills that produce result.

Education must be a leverage and not a bondage. Do not talk down on things they love to do- rather be patient to find the strength in it and show them.

Let them master the basics early. Let them keep practising it. Let them make their mistakes early when the consequences are not grievous. Be their coach.

Teach them accountability when they start making some money. Talk to them about delayed gratification. Programme them to last.

Train up a child in the way of financial intelligence and skillfulness and when he is old, you would not have to be sponsoring and paying his bills.

There is love in sharing

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