Irewamiri said that two days before I asked her out, the Holy Spirit prompted her to write a summary of her service year journey. When she finished writing, she noticed that the difference in her service year began when she became a member of the church and met me also.
I love the Holy Spirit. He kept me from asking her out until He had prepared her heart for what was coming. I was eager to ask her out, but when she told me that story later on in courtship, I was glad that I trusted God and obeyed His prompt.
First, settle it that God has your best interest at heart. The devil and your flesh always want you to feel like God is denying you some great pleasure. It is an old trick. Be patient. God is working it out for you. Is it not insightful that the first documented words of the devil in the scriptures was, “Did God really say…?”
Second, settle it that when you do not understand God, you will still trust him. There will be a lot of time in our Christian walk that we will not understand God. You must however ensure that you keep trusting Him.
How do you explain building an ark when it had never rained? That takes trust.
How do you explain laying the son you waited years for on the altar as a sacrifice? It cannot be explained. It takes some deep trust to do that.
How do you explain facing a country of trained warriors with worship and not warships? That takes trust.
How do you explain saying “No” to military gears and running towards a trained soldier with stones, sling and staff? That takes trust.
When you do not understand what God is doing, please, do not fail to trust Him, His dealings with you, and His instructions to you.
I know that is all you have, but God has placed a demand on it- please trust Him. You obey in tears at times while you keep saying “God, only you can make this demand of me”.
I know He has asked you to stay in the land when all that makes sense is to leave the country. You cannot explain it. But you have a prophetic template in Isaac. Trust God when you do not understand.
I know you are worried about the bills, if you decide to follow God’s will of going all the way to serve Him in ministry- trust Him! Follow instructions. Get trained. Learn. Grow. He does not owe.
The Psalmist said to us, “God orders the steps of the righteous and He is interested in every detail of their lives”. My patriarch in the faith will also add “God orders the steps and the stops of the righteous”. Move when He tells you to. Stop when He tells you to.
Settle this early.
Say with me: “God has my best interest at heart. I will trust Him even when I do not understand”.
Trusting God when you do not understand Him shuts the devil out of your life. It keeps you from doubt and discouragement.
Shout it: “God knows what He is doing, and I trust Him”.
Take a deep breath. Move on with strength.
He has never failed before. You are not an experiment.
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.