Once I concluded the tests, the Doctor said she wanted to see my glasses. I would not know what she looked for but they said to me with so much confidence, “You took these glasses from the roadside”. I could not lie. She added, “Do you have frontal aches after a while wearing it?” I had to admit it was true.
Then she said, “If you had not come for a routine check here and you kept using it, it would have caused great damage to your eyes. It would work for you but there is an element that the roadside quack would never be able to give you because of the cost.” My presumed solution to replace a broken pair of glasses was cheap and affordable but the consequences were quite grievous.
Do not fall into the trap of fast solutions that will cost you greater pain. Do not be in a hurry to solve a problem that you create a bigger problem. There are people who were in a hurry to marry and the marriage is now as terrible as hell. They grabbed the solution that they found and now it is tearing them all apart.
There are times that God’s answers to your prayers will look like roads you do not even want to take but it does not make it less than an answer from the Lord. The pit, Potiphar’s house and the prison were bus stops on Joseph’s path to the palace.
Beloved, do not sacrifice the ultimate on the altar of the immediate. Do not carry a miracle that leaves a scar. The devil’s option may be fast but it will always be a case of “robbing Peter to pay Paul”. If he is giving you a thing, watch out for what he has stolen from you. It can take years for anyone to understand it.
The answers of God will not offend the ways of God. The ways of God will be consistent with the Word of God. The Word of God will show forth in the fruit of the Spirit. If it does not show the fruit of the Spirit, you got it from the wrong tree.
There are situations that are giving you a headache right now but you know it was caused by your haste and impatience.
What do you do now that the ache is persistent? Go to the right source. Go to the Lord. Return to the Word and the instructions from the Word. Check where you got it right and where you missed it.
This is the prophecy of Isaiah to you:
For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” (But you would not,)
Isaiah 30:15 NKJV
Will you or will you not?
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.
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