In my early years as a full-time minister, I was only assured of five thousand naira every month. It was a seed from a dear one who insisted that it was for me. I would still give four thousand out of it to the only ministry volunteer we had at the time. I would also pay my tithe.

I have an aunt and uncle that lives out of town. If I had any reason to be in their city, I would always stay in their house. It was certain that they would give me some cool cash anytime I was leaving.

When I saw that my heart was getting tied to it. I made a quiet decision. I announced my departure the day I arrived and I would not be reminding them again (some reminders can be stylish begging).

One of such trip, I got to them on a Sunday evening and told them I would leave on Tuesday because of our midweek service. They left for work pretty early. When it was time, I also left. They were angry with me but I got my freedom. My heart needed to be trained to rely on God alone.

Beloved, in your journey of faith, if you know you are trusting God, trust God. Do not start posturing around people with “strategic stories” that will elucidate pity. Do not drop hints strategically. Trust God. Trust God. On the walk of faith, only do what is instructed. Faith comes by hearing and it is also strengthened by hearing.

On the journey of faith, I have learnt that you will get a beggarly portion when you choose to beg. Sometimes, the portion can even be subtle insults. But when you wait on God, He shows up in a big way. He gives you a kingdom portion.

If you know God, you will wait for Him. In your strength, you can produce Ishmael. However, in your waiting and in God’s strength, you can produce Isaac.

If God has called you to the work of ministry, please, do not go about begging. The calling works. God will show up. It is an opportunity to train yourself and strengthen your faith. There are things I remember now and processes with God that brings tears to my eyes. Why? God never disappoints. Be calm. Be patient.

Let no man be able to point to you and say, “I made him. Without me, he cannot be who he is”. God forbid. Only God should take the glory.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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