As I was about to leave my office, a man walked up to me and requested my audience. He goes ahead to share how he saw me in his dream. Once he was done, I asked him a simple question, “Are you born again?”. I shared the gospel with him first and he gave his life to Christ. He got baptized in the Holy Ghost at the second contact we had. What a joy.
He said to me, “I used to be a drinker. I drank so much that even if my pastor is passing by, I would greet him without a sense of shame. I feel so ashamed of things I did before but I am grateful for what God is doing now” But God changed him.
A sinner does not need counselling. A sinner needs Christ. A sinner does not need motivation. A sinner needs transformation. There is no need to try to make a dead man feel good. What is most important to a dead man is a new life.
I said to a dear one at a time to take his eyes off the issues he sees with his siblings and focus on trusting God for their salvation. In sober moments, a sinner can follow your counsel but he cannot sustain it without the life of Christ. So before you know it, you are already counselling on the same issues again.
Friends, a dog cannot bleat and a goat cannot bark. Getting a sinner to do what is righteous is like trying to get a dog to bleat or a goat to bark- the nature is the problem.
That is why when we come to Christ, we are not branded or packaged “sinners”, we do not go through repairs, renovation or refurbishing. We become a new creature. A new car is not a refurbished car presented as new. The difference is as clear as night and day.
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV
That colleague that womanises needs Christ, not just some counselling. Even if he stops womanising, the nature of sin is still there. He needs Christ.
Salvation is not a self-improvement programme. It is a new life in Christ.