By the time she was trying to find help, the matter had gone really bad. He would gamble with his entire salary, her own money, and their family savings. It was taking a toll on the family’s finance and their intimacy. It started with just a little trial with “an insignificant amount”.
Before the emotions of “I am in love” overwhelm you, you need to be observant and ask important questions. Why is this important?
A man’s relationship with money says a lot about them. A man’s financial attitude speaks volumes. Ask the tough questions. Please, do not overlook it.
Money has a spirit. It wants to control the atmosphere of your home. A lot of couples are not talking about finances anymore. It is a touchy area for most people. Their voices rise, some grow quiet, and others engage in secrecy. In the long run, the home is damaged.
When we counsel sons and daughters, we always ask them to ask questions as tough as:
• Do you believe in borrowing? Under what circumstances would you borrow?
• Are you in debt personally or corporately (if he or she is a business owner)?
• If Yes! Who are those you owe and what is the amount?
• Do you have any savings? What is your saving culture like?
Some people borrow and would never repay. You must be careful with such people. The Bible calls them wicked.
An evil person borrows and never pays back; a good person is generous and never stops giving.
Psalms 37:21 CEV
There are people without any form of savings attitude. They are the spend-it-as-you-see-it kind of person. If you marry someone whose savings habit is terrible, be ready to go through the roller-coaster of financial pressure at different seasons. Do you know what the word of God says about those who spend their money as fast as they get it? Stupid people!
Wise people live in wealth and luxury, but stupid people spend their money as fast as they get it.
Proverbs 21:20 GNT
You must ensure that you work first on yourself also. Build healthy financial habits. It is very important in marriage. If you know the strain that finance can bring in a home, you will start developing a healthy attitude towards money now.
Even if you are naturally a spender, it is not a sin to learn the discipline of saving and ordering finances. I learnt it too. Keep a track of everything you spend for a week, you will see unnecessary expenses. Cut it off. Put that on repeat for a while and begin to put some money aside.
Initially, you can have an account that you cannot access except when you walk into the bank. When you have built a solid habit of savings. You can begin your financial journey of investments and take advantage of other opportunities. May the Lord help you.
If anyone, marriage or family is under any financial pressure, I pray for you that the pressure be deflated right now in Jesus name.
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa