I learnt this from my pastor during my service year. He shared a story with us one day: He travelled out of town and on his way home, he saw a lovely car. When he got back home, he told his wife, “I will buy you a car”.
The wife, knowing their financial state and her husband very well, looked at him and told him not to play on her intelligence. He said to her, “You will soon know that I am a man of God”. They both laughed over it.
Some days later, they had cause to be on that same road. He turned into the car dealer and told the wife, “Today, you will know I am a man of God. We are going home with the car”.
He showed the wife the car. She loved it. He told her to get into the car. He brought out his phone and took a picture of her in it. He then pointed to the picture and said, “Darling, we are going home with the car. You can come now. Let us go home”.
The wife had a good laugh. Well! They went home with the picture. Amazingly, in less than a year, he got the car as a gift on his birthday and gave it to his wife. He did not forget to add, ‘Now you know I am a man of God’. We laughed as he shared the story.
My mentor told the story about how he stands up whenever the power goes off (in the early days of marriage) and takes a walk to the back of the house. He would start an imaginary generator and return to tell his wife to put on their imaginary air conditioner. They laugh over it. Today, they have more than that.
On our part, when Irewamiri was in labour for our second baby, we were right there cracking jokes in the labour room. We both would laugh heartily until the baby came.
It could look simple but is he or she someone with whom you have hearty laughter moments together?
There are men who become really touchy and unapproachable once they are financially pressured. They transfer the pressure and aggression to everything and everyone around them.
There are women who only honour and respect your pocket. Their smiles disappear when there is a need at home. Home becomes a living hell instantly. These are terrible signs.
I read a thought about this in a book some years ago, the writer said:
“A smile increases our face value. Virtually everyone wants a partner with a good sense of humour. Laughter is good medicine. A good sense of humour helps when a marriage is going through a tough time- stress, calamity or struggle”.
A marriage with a little laughter will do worse during good times and much worse during bad times.
You do not need to be able to generate humour to have a good marriage. All that is required is a sense of appreciation for humour. Sometimes, your laughter is enough to bring smiles to your partner’s face.
What is the essence of a relationship with someone who is always down? You say something funny, and the person still sits there with a straight face.
But he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast. Proverbs 15:15 NKJV
Everything seems to go wrong when you feel weak and depressed. But when you choose to be cheerful, every day will bring you more and more joy and fullness.
Proverbs 15:15 TPT
Marry someone you can laugh with.
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa