CALLED AND STRANDED 7 (This is How to Change Seasons)
I have been writing for about 6 years. But three years ago when the Lord would breathe afresh on the writing ministry, there was a heavy demand God placed on me. The instruction was so tough that I cried obeying God. It takes just one instruction to move from one season to another.
But right after then, the instruction about the publication of devotionals came. Today, we have it in different expressions blessing many.
When God places a demand on you by taking out of you, it is to increase you and never to wound you. There is no demand of God that ends in a loss.
If you do not know how to yield to divine demands, you cannot attain the earthly relevance you desire.
The physical multiplication of Adam (the man) is locked up in Eve (the woman). Eve is locked up in Adam. If Adam refuses and resists God’s process of bringing out the woman, he would have resisted and forfeited a great part of the blessing spoken over mankind.
If you are called, your finest secret is hidden in your yieldedness. Stop claiming the blessing when you are constantly resistant to divine demands. God said Give. You explained it away till the instruction faded. God said submit. You covered it up with activities. God said move. You were too comfortable to make a change.
You cannot reap the fruit of the seed you did not sow. If you want to eat out of another man’s harvest, at best you will be a beggar. At worst, you will be a robber!
If you do not allow God’s process to bring out your own Eve, you will be lusting after the Eves of other men who went under the knife of the divine process.
I know you want it but would you pay the price?
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