She had fallen in love with her classmate in the tertiary institution and her parents would have none of it. Her parents were elites and they keep asking, “Who do you say his parents are?”. The poor boy was the son of a farmer in a small village.

Her parents had an alternative for her in a young lawyer. She refused. They fought back also. She did not get the total support for the wedding but she married her choice. Few years after, a lot happened that made both parties give thanks that she made up her mind.

Beloved, there is a God that knows the end from the beginning and it would be mere foolishness to think that we are smarter than Him.

“I know, God, that mere mortals can’t run their own lives, That men and women don’t have what it takes to take charge of life. So correct us, God, as you see best”. Jeremiah 10:23‭-‬23 MSG

Don’t play God in your life or in the life of others. Do not ever write off who God has not written off. Do not think an end came to Joseph because he was sold as a slave. You may have to open your mouth wide few years down the line when you are bowing down to someone you do not even recognise- he does not look like what you wanted him to look like.

The advantage you have as a believer is the ability to seek the will of God before making choices. You can carnally choose what you think is emerging and great when God knows that it is actually declining and expiring.

You can look at Ruth and call her a liability when you have not sought the face of God. Do not write off anyone because of their circumstance when you have not picked them by destiny or the prophetic.

Even physically, do you know that there are colleagues we thought would be at the cutting edge and some we never gave a chance? But the fact that you were best in class does not mean you will be the best in life. People you are ahead of today may be ahead of you tomorrow. Do not write anyone off.

One thing you need on life’s journey is contentment- appreciate God for where you are and love people through the viewpoint of God’s love for them while you believe and work hard to get better and pray the same for them.

In process, do not look down on yourself also. Do not give up hope. You will end up not looking like what you have been through- there is no smell of smoke on you even though you went through the fire. There is no scratch on you even though you shared a night with lions in their den.

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LAGOS WORD AND PRAYER FEAST: We will be in the city of Lagos (Ojodu) on the 23rd of February, 2020. You can register for the event via

There is love in sharing

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