CRISIS CANNOT STOP GOD (Countdown to 34 – Lesson 5)

One of the instructions received in prayer as the year ended and noted for action was the commencement of a Training School for Believers. I thought it would be ran the traditional and normal way. We were planning for the first batch of trainings when the lockdown began.

Not to lose out totally, I began to train the first set of students who were majorly from church on WhatsApp. We were on it for about two months. Such an outpouring of spirit and emotions on the last day- students began to ask that their friends and family would love to join the next batch.

Now, the Training School is so well structured. We have ran four batches online successfully with testimonies flowing in. We have had students from countries that are far-flung from Nigeria and cities in Nigeria that I could not have imagined.

God used the crisis to give a gift for impact. We thought it would just be something small, it has become something huge.

Crisis cannot stop God. If God says He will do anything, He will not do it your way. He will do it His way. The storms cannot stop Jesus. He can walk on the water. The grave cannot stop Jesus. He is the resurrection and the life.

He is King over the expected and the unexpected. All you need is to position yourself for God as useful, sendable and if the need be, bendable.

Nothing can stop God.
No one can stop God.

There is love in sharing

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