Irewamiri came to serve as a Corp Member in Eruwa. She recounts how she cried on her first night. She said it all was too quiet like a graveyard. She could not imagine it. What a sleepy town. 

She complained about how hard it was to get water. Dry seasons did not make the matter easy at all. It was a tough one for her. At a point, she was bringing packs of water anytime she travelled out of town! (Smiles)

Things began to change when she plugged into a local church and began to enjoy fellowship with the brethren. At a point, God told her to document her journey and she saw the blessing of the Lord. 

She complained a lot about Eruwa to her family and it was understandable that they were shocked when she eventually decided to marry this “Eruwa” pastor. 

If you are a believer, you must understand that God does not make mistakes. He is an intentional God. He is intentional about you. There are times when things do not go according to your plans but be rest assured that even when it is not God sent, it can still be God used. Be rest assured that all things work together for our good. 

However, you must know that your attitude in the midst of it all is very important. Let’s learn from the wise men. 

The wise men from the East followed a star because a king had been born. The rational place where a king should be born is the palace. Naturally as expected, they headed to the palace but the “baby King” was not there. 

They saw the star again and followed the star. It led them to the baby that had been born in a manger. What did they do? 

And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

Matthew 2:11 KJV

  • They fell down and worshipped. I know you wanted a prime location but you got something against your wish. The first thing to do is to bow down and worship. Worship is not just because you got what you wanted. Worship is acknowledging God’s lordship in the midst of all situations. Have you told God you are grateful? Have you worshipped God? You wanted Ibadan but you saw Ibarapa, still worship the Lord. 
  • They opened their treasures and gave their finest to the Lord. Give your best in the middle of the least expected. Give your best in that school even though you hate teaching. Give your best. Do not hold back. Be encouraged. Sow seeds in the land and you will eat the good of the land. 

Do you know that after the wise men did the two above, they had an encounter and they did not leave the same way they came? It could look simple but whenever you worship God when it does not look like it and you give your best, you never get to leave the same way you came. 

On a lighter note, Irewamiri did not leave the same way. Our marriage will be ten years. God blesses. There is good in the land. Worship the Lord. Give your best. Let your eyes be open to see what the Lord is doing. You will never leave the same way. There will be spiritual growth, mental shift, and maybe who knows marital shift! God does amazing things. 

There is love in sharing

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