We enjoyed riding bicycles as children. Our neighbours had two different sizes. We would all converge and have some fun cycling. One evening, it had just finished raining, and we were cycling on the long corridor of their home. It was fun circling the pillars and showcasing skill. When it was the turn of a dear brother, he had bread in his mouth as he showcased his cycling skills. The wet floor took over the moment. He slipped, and I remember the bread spilling from his mouth! Honestly, we laughed, and the image stuck.
As funny as it may be, the question is, “What comes out of your mouth in the season of crisis?” Do you have the bread of God’s word in your heart and mouth? You need the word on days when things are pulling you to the ground. You honestly need the Word of God.
A woman was in labour. She began to speak profanities and lay curses on her husband. The matron had to shut her up. What do you say in the days of crisis? What do you spill out in times of pain? What flows out of your heart? Out of the abundance of the heart, your mouth will speak.
The bread you eat before a crisis will sustain you during the situation. A dear family escaped a head-on collision. She said the words that came to her were, “I am the ransomed of the Lord, and I have passed over. I am the redeemed of the Lord, and I will always return”. We keep declaring those words in every service. What have you loaded your heart with?
If you load your heart with stubble, you will stumble terribly in crisis. You will throw curses. You will speak death and curse-activating words.
A brother was involved in a ghastly accident that claimed lives. When they pulled him out with quite some injuries and fractures, all he kept saying from a twisted mouth was, “I shall not die but live.” He lived. His bones got healed.
Medical professionals would say when people die, “He gave up.” That’s profound. Believer, you cannot give up. There is hope for you. Did you eat some bread of the word? It is the bread of life! It gives life to the brokenhearted. Chew on the word. Sing it if you must. At all costs, put the Word in your mouth.
Your words will justify you. Your words can also condemn you. Do not joke with words. There are no jokes in the realm of the spirit- angels and demons do not know jokes!
A young man who loved taking his bathe always jokingly said, “Mo ma we ku ni” (I will die bathing). It was meant to be an expression of ecstasy. But he really died stepping out of the bathroom. People said, “He had always said that he would die bathing.”
Our jokes now activate death words-
Laugh wan kill me die (LWKMD)
Our expression of beauty activates death words-
“The boy or girl fine die.”
Why must it always be about death?
Will you arise and speak life?
You are a life ambassador! Speak life.
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa
Words hold immense power, and your article brilliantly underscores that fact. It’s a reminder that our words can shape our relationships, influence our actions, and impact the world around us. Let’s use this power wisely and with the respect it deserves.