Danielle began to protest as we left her grandparents house. She wanted to stay back with her grannies. However, we had to head home. On our way home, we stopped to get some fuel.

I turned and asked Danielle, “Do you love Daddy?” Her response was a shrug of the shoulder. I asked again and she shook her head and shrugged again. Her mum said, “Because we did not do what you want so you don’t love Daddy again”. My response was simple- “That is what makes her a child”.

The same is also true of spiritual growth. There are Christians who begin to doubt the love of God because of what they are going through. Your situation is not proof of whether God loves you or not. Irrespective of your situation, God is love!

Do you know how hard it will be to look at Joseph as a slave in Potiphar’s house and conclude that God is with him? Can you ever look at the false accusations levied against him that landed him in prison unjustly and conclude that this is a man God loves? Or can you be on prison evangelism and see Joseph as the favoured of the Lord?

There are some sack letters that are actually God’s way of showing you favour. There are delays that are divinely orchestrated. If the cupbearer had remembered Joseph earlier, Joseph would have at best become a servant in his house or an aide to the cupbearer.

If you use your situation to interpret the goodness of God, you will only be acting like a child.

Think of Zechariah and Elizabeth: They were both lovers of God, living virtuously and following the commandments of the Lord fully. But they were childless since Elizabeth was barren, and now they both were quite old. (Luke 1:6‭-‬7 TPT)

How do you explain that they were God-lovers who live virtuously and full followers of God’s commands and yet they were childless? Can you imagine Zechariah got annoyed at God and refused to serve on the day that the good news came because he doubted the love of God?

Babies who refuse to grow link the love of God to what He gives but the mature knows that the love of God is tied to who He is. No matter what they go through, the definition of God does not change.

Are you a baby?
Are you attaining maturity?
Are you mature?

There is love in sharing

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