We kept hearing the buzzing sound at the window of our room. It would come in a while and then cease. After a while, it returns.
I stepped out of the room to find out what was causing the endless cycle of buzzing nuisance- it was a bee.
I picked up an insecticide. A young man with me sprayed it on the bee as it landed. It fled.
Then we noticed it had a hidden hive right at the same spot. We destroyed the hive.
There are many caught in the unfortunate cycle of sin. They are ridden with guilt, run to God and make a vow, get it right for a while and are back in sin again and ridden by guilt (and repeat).
You do not kill a tree by trimming its leaves. We chased off the bee but there were eggs laid in the hive- it was just a matter of time!
Call sin a sin. Do not explain it. Do not justify it. Do not embrace it.
You know you already are getting attached to another man or woman at work- do not rationalize it. Dont say, “I am only helping her build a good home. You know she has marital challenges”.
My thumb rule: “Temi, if you will have to start explaining it, do not bother commencing it.” All your actions must be clear epistles.
But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.
Ephesians 5:3 NIV
No one that sins or loves to sin must look at your life or any of your action and find it as a justification for unrighteousness saying, “At least, this person also does it”.
God has called us to righteous living.
For God’s call on our lives is not to a life of compromise and perversion but to a life surrounded in holiness.
1 Thessalonians 4:7 TPT
Whenever the buzzing bee of sin hangs around you, pick up the insecticide of the Word, accompanied by accountability- then deal with it.
It is not deliverance you need (Jesus did that already); you need discipline.
Expel the bee; destroy the hive.