We got back home after a brief drive into town to pick up some things. When we returned, Olive insisted she was not going inside the house. I walked in and closed the door, thinking she would then be prompted to come in. She stayed outside.

I could not keep my eyes away. I started looking at her through the window. She turned back and saw me. She began to laugh. Eventually, I had to step out to carry her in when she played with dirt. As we got in, Danielle said, “Daddy, you should have left her outside.” I smiled and responded that “A good father does not abandon his children.”

A father is a covering. Do you know that God’s promise to Father Abraham was not “I will make you a father to Isaac”? No! It rather was “I will make you the father of many nations.”

He had to master the art of fathering nations before he could father Isaac. He had to learn to love a disappointing and rebellious Lot. He had to learn to raise men out of the children born as slaves in his house. He became a father of nations in his thoughts and actions before becoming Isaac’s father.

Fatherhood is a bigger assignment than the ability to impregnate a woman and have children. A father is more than that. A father is a culture shaper. God trusted Abraham to raise sons who would follow the culture of loving the Lord.

Fatherhood is not just about shouting and screaming instructions. It is about looking out for the lost son in prayers and graceful intercession.

God loves us indeed as a father. When you understand the fatherhood of God, prayer becomes easy. You walk confidently through storms knowing that He will never leave you or forsake you.

A good father does not leave his seed to the biting hands of deadly elements. Like Jairus, he knows how to bring in the Lord and Saviour into their home – it does not just end in morning devotion; Jesus is found in the inner chambers. Jesus is found in daily decisions.

A good father does not give up on an erring seed. He knows that with time, the table will turn.

My brother once looked at my Dad and said, “Daddy, is it all about church? I am not going today.” That day, my dad left without saying a word. But today, my brother is a pastor. His life is all about what he fought.

What are you going through? Let me announce to you that your heavenly father will not abandon you. He will not leave you in the storms. He is right there. You will come out stronger. Leap for joy, for your testimony is here.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

There is love in sharing


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