A young family was spending some time with us that morning, and we got into a conversation about their home. As we were about to end the conversation, I had a prompt to say to them, “The favour you enjoyed was not because you wanted to get married. People were not giving you gifts because it was your wedding day. No!”

Then I added, “Those gifts and seeds of favour can continue in your marriage. It should not end with the wedding. Do you remember you prayed and asked the Lord for favour for your wedding? You agreed about what you desired, and God showed up. It is not about your wedding alone. It can happen in your marriage”.

We also told them, “But when does the challenge begin? Once you begin to speak in disagreement and you do not have the same words about things. If anyone is talking down on the other, your marriage will be as strong as the words of the weakest mouth”.

Beloved, marriage is a covenant. It is clear that he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord. Many people can testify about how much favour they enjoyed for their wedding. But the challenge is a lot of times; we think it is just about the wedding. No, it is not!

Find a good spouse, you find a good life— and even more: the favor of God!
Proverbs 18:22 MSG

Marriage introduces a new level of goodness in your life. And it comes with even more- the favour of God. The favour speaks for you everywhere you go. Proclaim it. Profess it. Live in the consciousness of it. You are not disadvantaged.

One will chase a thousand, and two will chase ten thousand. There must be an increase when a couple agrees on any matter. Disagreement reduces the divine allocation that is meant to flow into your marriage. A divided home front will lead to divisive words, and you cannot have more than what you are declaring.

Disagreement rooted in dishonour is a legal ground for the devil to operate in your space. Do not give the devil that foothold at all. Where there are no cracks, strange creatures have no space. But the moment there are cracks, the enemy has a field day.

Whatever you do not want to see in your home, speak against it as a couple. Whatever you desire to see, speak it into existence as a couple. Favour must not stop flowing on your wedding day. It must keep flowing in your marriage. It must not be about a day. It must be about the covenant and two people who understand it.

Yes! Your testimonies will flow in.
Yes! Your blessings have just begun.
Yes! Favour will not cease in your home.
Speak it into life.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing