I did not know I will say a final farewell in 24 hours. I got into the clinic that day and Grandpa looked and said, “Anuoluwapo, you are here. How is Ronke?”.

Those were one of those final words of Grandpa. Incidentally, he died on the same day that my wife said “Yes” to me.

But Grandpa’s last words to me reminds me of The Day of the Lord when I would render account for my life and the assignment of God.

My wife had been committed into my hands to love, nurture and build! Grandpa expects me to do a good job of that! In the same, there are assignments that God has committed into your hands that you must execute diligently. Why? A day will come when you will give account.

in marital relationship, a husband is like a gardener who got a lovely plant from another garden. As he patiently replants his lovely plant, he must do it carefully- it is fragile (handle with care).

He must prepare a place for the new plant (Do not carry your wife to the family compound. Find a home of your own). The ground must be well prepared- ploughed, tilled and ready for planting.

He must water the plant constantly (Add value to your wife). You must water the plant early and in the evening. Watering it while the sun is up can kill it! Be proactive about adding value to your wife. Do not wait for her to react before you remember.

Do not come with sweet words and gifts just because you want to have “some”. Love her all the time. You will have “All” (And I mean that).

Let her flower and blossom. It is your pride. Do not be the kind of man that celebrates another man’s blossoming plant while yours is left to wither.

Brother sit down! Why did you stop seeing the beautiful shape and rocking the bossom of your wife? (If she looks 70 at 30, sir… get to work. That plant must blossom). We rebuke those scanning and roaming eyes.

There is a very important counsel that Solomon gave: “Your sex life will be blessed as you take joy and pleasure in the wife of your youth. Let her breasts be your satisfaction, and let her embrace intoxicate you at all times. Be continually delighted and ravished with her love! My son, why would you be exhilarated by an adulteress— by embracing a woman who is not yours?”
Proverbs 5:18‭-‬20 TPT

Eating the fruit of another man’s plant does not make it your own. It is greed! You are a thief. It is adultery.

Water your plant. Watch it blossom before you. Wait patiently for the fruits. It is yours to enjoy!

There is love in sharing

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