When they called the second time about the meeting, they had a lot of explanation about how they did not have the means to “take care” of me as they should.

(By taking care, they must have meant honorarium and all that comes with it). I loved their sincerity. Some never get sincere and treat their guests in.a shabby manner.

They had gotten to points where they felt like shutting down the meeting.

Well! I was about saying I would also not be there because I also did not have the finance for that distance and other needs especially that it was a vigil.

But God says to me to “Go”. I raised some funds that was just adequate for the trip and I went. I still gave to support the meeting.

But as I settled down in the room where I was to stay (I also had to pay for it), I got a random message online requesting for my account details saying God told me to seed you a seed!

Ahhh! God. It was timely. It is more than enough.

Hear me friends, you are commanded to go not just to places where it is convenient but also at times into places where it is not.

The Holy Spirit can still lead you into the wilderness where the tests of the pride of life, the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh must be passed.

If you do not go to and through these hard places, you will not return in the power of the Spirit and the fame of what God can do will not spread abroad.

God can send you to places where you are also not celebrated. You are simply a servant and a soldier doing the will of the Master who has called.

But the joy is this- God does not owe! God will always pay. Faith goes like Abraham “not knowing”.

We have to dwell in tents in cities where the Lord has given us to inherit.

We do not say No to His process. Wings of pride can never take flight in the winds of process. It makes the journey stressful and slow.

A vital combination of humility and submission to His will is a powerful combination that releases men into divine destiny.

On your walk with God, you will have to make hard choices. You will see the wealth of Egypt but still choose the suffering of Israel.

You will be invited to be King but you will still have to run away because that is the celebration that buries destiny.

There are times you will have to make really hard choices but remember that God owes no man.

If indeed He called you, then be patient enough to trust Him. You are His servant and not a Chief Executive Officer! Do your duty. Let Him do His will.

Be willing to go even when it is hard. God never disappoints.

There is love in sharing
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