She hinted to us that a young man who had been “on her case” (wanting to marry her) would be coming to visit her on a Sunday and would love us to interact with him. She had made mention of him earlier. We obliged. It is always a joy as a pastor to meet anyone who wants to marry a church member. 

There was already some pressure coming from her family. He had a great job and looked like it. We interacted and had such a great time but I sensed to just ask a final question, “Do you drink alcohol?” I love his sincerity. He said, “I do but just socially. I drink it once in a while”. The young lady did not need anyone to say a word to her afterward. That was the end of that journey. Today, she is married to a man who fears the Lord and loves her dearly. 

Listen! One of the things that will happen when you are possessed with a prodigal spirit and in a time of need is the tendency to hire yourself out to a “foreigner” who will use you to nurture his “pigs”. You will be strangely entangled in things that are messed up. 

When the prodigal spirit takes over, you will be in a relationship where you are “helping him” sexually but you will still claim there is no sex involved because you are both still a virgin. You are feeding his pigs. 

If you are a minister called to serve in ministry, when the prodigal spirit takes over, you will be begging and running after those who can pay your bills. When such men call you, you are in a hurry to drop hints of your need. You will lack three things- faith for the assignment, confidence in your calling, and courage to speak the truth to those you are sent to. Why? One of the ways to master faith is to follow those who have walked the path before you! A father will guide you showing you the combination of faith and patience. 

Listen! You will be dropping hints all over your discussion about your needs. Everyone you talk to already knows your needs. You have been hired by your needs. Your needs are leading you. You can even call a known sinner to sponsor the work. You will hide under the guise of “God can use anyone.” You have hired out yourself. 

When your conscience is now led by your desperation, and no longer by your identity, you are already in trouble. If your desperation to marry makes you forget that your “knight in shining armour” has pigs, you will soon know what real hunger is. Be patient. Listen to pastoral counsel. Truth may sound hard today but the voice of regret is a heavier weight that your soul cannot carry. 

Dear man of God, be humble. Learn contentment. You left home with gifts but do you have the handles that will give you a firm grip when you need to stay strong? 

A prodigal spirit can take over an employee too. Do not resign until you know how your salary and those of others get paid without fail. Do not just leave in pride. Leave because you have a handle on the major issues that will arise. 

One prayer that the prodigal spirit does not pray on time is “Make me”. It is more of “Give me”. Have you hired yourself out to strangers? Are you already feeding his pigs? Hunger does not mean you should die feeding pigs. That hunger in your soul is proof that home is not as far as you think. 

May the Lord help us all! Do not feed pigs.

© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

There is love in sharing

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