Weeks before we went for the monthly ministers meeting with my spiritual father, I had to spend time investing in prayers. I had set my heart on a particular matter. It had troubled me for a while.

We had a great moment at the meeting. I gave attention to every word. And it was as though my Spiritual Father was speaking directly to me. Finally, when he was done and about to leave the altar, he paused for a while and asked, “Is Rev. Ola, my son from Eruwa here?” As they say, the rest is history. My heart got what it focused on.

One of the things you must learn to do is work on your expectation before a meeting and your attention in a meeting. Your expectation raises your appetite. Your attention draws the attention of the Lord to you also.

If you enter a meeting without an expectation, you have short-changed yourself. It is like playing a game of soccer with a goal post. You will dribble all over the place but you cannot point to any specific impact.

If you allow your attention to be stolen in a meeting, you would have disconnected yourself from a huge flow of impact.

Think about the man at Lystra. He was lame from birth. But he listened to Paul preaching and got healed by the Word of the Lord:

“In Lystra, Paul and Barnabas encountered a man who from birth had never walked, for he was crippled in his feet. He listened carefully to Paul as he preached. All of a sudden, Paul discerned that this man had faith in his heart to be healed. So he shouted, “You! In the name of our Lord Jesus, stand up on your feet!” The man instantly jumped to his feet, stood for the first time in his life, and walked!”
Acts 14:8‭-‬10 TPT

Your expectation and attention give direction to the anointing of God. The woman with the issue of blood came in from behind with an expectation and touched Jesus, she drew virtue out of him.

Many were touching Jesus casually but got nothing. They were touching without an expectation. Expectation gives direction to the anointing.

Check the meetings you have been and it seems as though the minister was speaking to you directly, check the height of your expectation and the level of your attention.

Let’s stop this indifference towards spiritual gatherings. Do not let your phone distract you. Keep it away. Put your attention on the Word. The Word will turn and place attention on your expectation.

There is power available in every meeting that the Lord has called. You must ensure you are not there casually. Be there with consciousness.

Temiloluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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