As the doctor treated the bullet wound on my back, he said to me “You will feel a small bite on your back soon. Endure the pain. We will be close to finishing the stitching”. I felt the small bite but let out a deep groan. It was painful but I knew it will soon be over.
One of the proofs of growth is endurance. You will have a promise of a seed and you will have to patiently endure even though everything is telling you to sleep with Hagar and birth an Ishmael.
When a woman takes in, she knows that it is a journey of nine months. She does not pray that God should shorten the time. A baby born in 4 months is an abortion.
No matter what you do, some things must be endured. God makes all things beautiful in their own time. If it is not beautiful yet, be patient. Keep giving your best. Its time will soon come.
One of the attributes of a wise man is the ability to understand time and master process. If you know the season you are in, it will be easier for you to endure.
A student can endure training and a regimented lifestyle because it is a season of life. He will endure sometimes unfavourable conditions and tough teachers. What season of life are you?
The question that Elisha asked Gehazi is simple but weighty. He asked him, “Is this the time…?” If you can ask yourself constantly whether the time is right for a decision, you will operate better in life.
When we are at the right place at the wrong time, we will see what we are not meant to see and do what we are not meant to do. David and Bathsheba are great examples. Proper placement and the right timing are protection on the journey of life and destiny.
If you do not want to see Ishmael taunting Isaac, then you must endure. The pain of regret is more than the pain of enduring the process. Your inability to endure can leave a generational scar.
When I stepped into Eruwa, I had a small card on my table where I wrote the words of Jentezen Franklin: “Others have been where you are now and did not quit, why should you?”
Friend, if you cannot fly, run. If running seems hard, walk. If you cannot walk, crawl. If you cannot crawl, ask for help! But never quit.
My pastor taught me that the reason why a lot of people fail is simply that we do not stay long enough on one assignment to see it succeed.
Endure the pain. Endure the process. Master the timing. Take one step at a time. Do not abort the process. Be strong. It will turn out well.
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.