After listening attentively to me while I narrated my call to ministry in Eruwa, a dear father asked me a question, “Temi, I know God has called but how will you be paid?”

I smiled and said to him, “Daddy, if we can trust multinationals to pay their employees without fail. Do you ever think God can owe the ones he has called to work for him? Sir, I will be working for the best organization on earth”. He took a deep breath and let me be!

Beloved, there are three things that Abraham did after he stepped out by faith and those three things are equally applicable to anyone who is on a walk of faith with God.

And even when he reached the land God promised him, he lived there by faith—for he was like a foreigner, living in tents. And so did Isaac and Jacob, who inherited the same promise. Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God.
Hebrews 11:9‭-‬10 NLT

First, He lived there by faith. It takes trusting God to live each day on a journey of faith. Trusting God is a basic course that a student of any faith project must master. You take your eyes off men and things that tell you it will not work. You turn those eyes on God with intense focus. You believe God daily. This is key.

Second, He lived in tents. You must be content and appreciate process. Greed will choke you and the vision before the vision gets an expression at all. You would kill that vision in its gestation season because you would place to much demand on it. Stay content. Thank God for each day.

Third, He was confidently looking forward to what God has promised. Beloved, confidence in your God-given vision is key. Confidence is the back-bone of delivery in ministry. Let your focus be on what God is building. Stay confident that the builder makes no mistakes.

Do you know the end of the journey? A whole nation came from a man who was as good as dead (Heb. 11:12)

As long as you stay on the faith lane with God, the faith project will see the light of day. Even you will be surprised with what God can do with a man who walks in faith and obedience.

There is love in sharing

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