Olive began to pull at my vest. She opened her mouth and started eating up the region around my chest. It was obvious she was hungry. It was obvious she knew what she wanted but she was checking the wrong place. I carried her to her mum so she could be fed.
It is important to know what you want in life but knowing where to get it from is as important also. Beloved, do not let your hunger put you into the wrong hands.
Desperation to hear God must not push you (like Saul) into the arms of the witch of Endor. The desire to hear God is healthy but crossing lines into witchcraft and divination is an abomination.
The Lord’s anointed started his kingship journey in the home of the prophetic but ended it in the abode of the profane. Do not let what you desire to push you out of God’s desire for you.
Samson was hungry for warmth. He did not have a circle of friends that strengthens. He found it in Delilah’s laps. He laid his head in the wrong place. It was shaved.
Hunger must not make you lose your senses or sensitivity. Jesus was hungry when the devil tempted him. Jesus did not allow hunger to push Him across the lines that God has drawn. He stayed hungry but refused to bow to what is not of God. He would rather starve than sin.
Beloved, If you see a hungry vulnerable person and you are in a privileged position, do not take advantage of their naivety or their innocence. Point them in the right direction. They will be grateful for life.
Do not abuse the honour that God has granted you. For instance, a young lady can become emotionally attached to you because of your gift or poise. She sees a model in you. Do not abuse it.
If you know you are weak, point her to other things and honourably detach. Do not sleep with the girls of Zion because they came vulnerably to you. Show them who can help them. Point them to answers.
Hunger is natural. But eating from the wrong plate and the wrong place must be avoided. May you stay strong. May you walk in honour. Amen.
(We distributed Copies of Compass to All Hotel Rooms in Eruwa yesterday. Consignments will be going to some other cities this weekend. We give God praise. Would you love to give to see us do more, then click this link-