I had reasons to interact with the executives of a Christian Youth Organization. One thing led to the other and I got to know that one of the females has a pattern of housing her fiance whenever he comes around. I was in shock. When I asked her questions, she said, “Sir, he comes from far and we do not do anything wrong together sir. I do not see anything bad in it”.
I was reconnecting with a young man after many years. In conversation, he mentioned that his fiancee moved in with him a while back. He was honest enough to say, “Sir, we have been doing all sorts of nonsense. I cannot even pray or study as I used it. But she is in desperate need of accommodation”.
If you have spent enough time watching a lot of the movies we have today, sin trends. If you are not careful, the movies that are meant to be “make-believe” will make you believe that sin is normal. You will stumble on frequent scenes of unmarried folks living together before marriage.
What is the standard of God’s Word that a believer should follow? (Note that I said a believer- someone who has decided to follow Christ and live for Him)
First, you must understand that there should be no hint of sexual immorality in our midst as believers. Paul, the Apostle, charged the Ephesian church as such:
But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, because these are improper for God’s holy people.
Ephesians 5:3 NIV
Listen beloved, the first step into immorality is finding justification for it-
“She is staying with me because she has no one else” – Sir, how about you? Do you have anyone else she can stay with? If you are well-rooted in a local church, there must be another godly home where she can spend the night or stay during her visit.
“Sir, she or he lodged in a hotel so we do not inconvenience anybody”- Thanks for making efforts but are you sure that is not a convenient option for the devil also? And is anyone who can hold you accountable aware of his or her visit? Who will ask you tough questions after the visit?
I know you may be thinking it is your life and it is nobody’s business. But again, Apostle Paul is saying this to you:
And have nothing to do with sexual immorality, lust, or greed—for you are his holy ones and let no one be able to accuse you of them in any form.
Ephesians 5:3 TPT
Did you see “Let no one be able to accuse you of them in any form”? Do not live in or romance sin. Stay far from the pit and you will have not to explain why you fell into it.
Second, be rooted in a local church that can provide support, care, and accountability during such visits.
The Lord in His wisdom has created a way of escape for you. It is called the Local Church. If you have no local assembly or you are not rooted in the one that you have, you will quietly be getting rotten without anyone spotting it. It is convenient to listen to teachings online and follow many services but who will hold you accountable? Where is the home?
The early disciples have a penchant for looking out for other disciples to stay with:
Afterward, we packed our bags and set off for Jerusalem, with some of the believers from Caesarea accompanying us. They brought us to a village where they introduced us to Mnason, a Cypriot, one of the original disciples, and he offered us hospitality.
Acts 21:15-16 TPT
They found a disciple to stay with. At another time:
Then we went on to Caesarea and stayed for several days in the home of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven deacons and the father of four unmarried daughters who prophesied.
Acts 21:8-9 TPT
It is safer when you are rooted in a local church and blessed with a company of believers. It is a solid line of defence.
No hint of sin. Do not explain it away. Will you eat a sweet meal with a little dose of poison because there is no other food? Sin is poison!
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa