By the time the cab stopped in front of where I was lodging, the cabman said to me “I know it must have been God that made me pick you this night. My soul is lifted. I am going back a different person”

But the irony of it was it took a huge struggle for me to open up my mouth and preach the gospel to him. Afterwards, I realised he was a Christian going through a tough time that had affected his faith- out of job and lost a child.

Everyone you complain about is someone to share the gospel with. Do not expect God to do what He has commanded us to do. Do not just keep praying for that boss, open your mouth and share the gospel also.

Prayer is good but it must be backed up with open mouths that preach the Word. Good news is not good news until it is preached and heard. Prayer loads the gun. Preaching the gospel pulls the trigger.

The timidest amongst us will not know the volume of boldness stored up within until he or she steps out to preach the Word. Preach the Word in season and out of season. Do the work of an evangelist.

What did the early church know that made them win entire cities? Jesus Christ was not embarrassed to pay the ultimate price for our redemption. Why should we be embarrassed to share the good news of what He has done?

There is no Christian who cannot share the gospel. If you have had an encounter with Christ, you should be bold to talk about it to someone. Let them call you names but eternity is what is at stake.

Lord, restore my passion for soul winning. I walked into an office once to make an enquiry but before I asked, I was already preaching the gospel to the one I was meant to see. Afterwards, I then made the enquiry. Soul winning is that essential.

Lord, set my heart aflame for you. Give me compassion for lost souls. Let me never be comfortable to see men slip into the eternal grips of hell. Lord, light up my heart. Let my office become my mission field. Let my compound become my pulpit. Let the World be my parish.

May lost souls encounter me and change directions. Let the signpost of redemption become the banner of my Christian faith. Let my life and mouth declare the good news.

A police officer stopped me once to check my papers. After the pleasantries, I asked if he died today, would he make heaven? Lord, may my mouth not be too big to share this good news.

Let the voice of the gospel be heard at the reception of hotels and on the corridors of power. We will be diligent believers but also dedicated to the course of the Lord. This is the father’s business. This is the heartbeat of God. We cannot say we love our father when we do not take his heartbeat seriously.

Lord, set us aflame. Set the pews in our churches aflame. Let us learn and grow but make us uncomfortable having just holy cliques when there are souls to be won. Break down the gates into our fellowships. Let saved souls find a place to grow.

Let us know that our career is only a platform to fulfill your calling. Let the army of the Lord arise. Let me not be left out. May our sealed mouths not seal the fate of men in eternal flames.

Lord, set teachers ablaze. Let them see the gospel in each field of study. Inspire words that only eternity can erase. Stir examples that lead the next generation to the Father. May our mouths not remain shut.

Lord, make us your Phillip. May we be comfortable to leave mighty moves behind to go after a lone soul as led by the spirit of God. In the end, let us still raise seeds who speak your words with boldness.

Lord, break our holy huddles. And like the Apostles, grant us boldness to preach your word and stretch forth your hand to do mighty signs and wonders. Confirm your words. Do what only you can do. Amen.

You were led to Christ by someone. Who have you led to Christ?

There is love in sharing

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