After taking time to teach on Prayer and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit, the young lady desired this awesome gift of God but there was an issue:
“Sir, I feel dirty”
I paused and said to her, “That is why you need the Holy Spirit. He is the refiner’s fire. He will refine you and burn out the dross”.
I continued that, “He is the launderer’s soap. You need the soap for dirty laundry”
And I concluded by telling her, “He comes to separate the wheat from the chaff. So if you feel dirty, dont you think you need Him?”
That day she got baptized in the Holy Ghost and prophecied. She got accurate words of knowledge that a friend asked her, “When did you become like this?”
She responded, “Just today o”.
Glory to God!
Friends, I know you want to clean it all up and then invite the Holy Spirit in. I get it! You feel so messed up and you want to get it right by yourself. You see where you keep missing it.
Anything you call a weakness is the part of you that you have shielded from the Light of God’s Spirit.
Open up that struggle to the Spirit of God, let Him do His work. Get out of His way and let the refining commence. Let the soap go into the corners. Let the broom get under the chairs and sweep out the dirt.
The Holy Spirit does a great work from within. You may not be perfect but your taste is changing.
The same you that cannot keep your eyes off ladies now sense a restraint- that is God dealing with your weakness!
The same you that explodes at the shortest notice now keep calm and you wonder what’s happening- that is God dealing with that weakness!
As they call you to share in a bottle, you shake your head and walk away even though the flesh craves- that is victory breaking out from within.
The same you that will sleep all night now sense a urge to pray at 3am even though you mutter some words and sleep back- That is God calling you to communion!
Now you are not comfortable to be in dark places amd behind closed doors with that partner touching and being touched- that is the Spirit at work friend!
If He lights you up, He will not just sit in a corner, He fills the rest of the house.
Will you let Him? Will you stop struggling? Will you rest as you trust Him to lead?
The upgraded premium version of you is about to break out- get out of His way!