I am a passionate lover of roasted plantain (we call it boli in Yoruba), especially when it is accompanied with groundnut- yummy! I always take some Ribena alongside with it.
So think about you walking up to a roasted plantain seller with that strong appetite to have your favourite. You saw a really big, fresh and nicely roasted plantain and you desired to have it. But there is a slight challenge- Someone already paid for it before you got there and will return to pick it.
The seller will look at you as you point to the plantain and kindly tell you these words, “It has been paid for”. And then add, “Pick another”.
As simple as that looks, it communicates the power of being redeemed to us:
Truth is Jesus already paid the price for you with His precious blood. 1 Cor. 6:20 says “You have been bought with a price” and Jesus will be coming back for you.
But you see, the devil is a die-hard unrepentant optimist. He is the accuser of brethren. He will come and point his dirty hands of sin, sickness, crisis and all sorts saying or roaring, “This soul is mine. I want him”.
But you must always know what the roasted plantain seller knows and you must say the same thing, “I have been paid for. You cannot have me. Sin cannot have me. Sickness cannot have me. Depression cannot have me. Poverty cannot have me”
Walk in this understanding. Always scream it, “I am bought. I have been paid for”.
Jesus set you free! You cannot bound
Jesus gave you peace! You can ride the storms
Jesus paid the price, Now you can walk free.
Be bold in your declaration!