That afternoon, the meeting took a different turn- the atmosphere switched. My spiritual father began to declare over us as sons.
Then he paused and said to us, “The major thing I need to teach you is to pray. If I can teach you to pray, I can get you to succeed”.
The disciples of Christ told Jesus to teach them to pray. They could fugure out that the success of Jesus in ministry is tied to those moments he would sneak away long before dawn, spend time all night in prayer, or all day in a mountain to pray.
I know prayer has been bastardized. Hear me, a truly prayerful person is a deep thinking person. Prayer amplifies our thinking capacity.
There are answers that I would never I have gotten if I did not pray.
Read Harvard Business Review by all means but have a solid prayer foundation also. Get prayer into that boardroom.
Prayer goes beyond kneeling in one spot. It is a lifestyle. We pray in traffic jam. We pray in the kitchen. We pray in parties. We start up a gush that cannot be stopped.
Carry the glow into that consulting room. Take power into that classroom. Let the aura of His presence follow you into the campaign ground.
Prayer is not just something that pastors do. Prayer is our duty as believers.
If not for prayer, where we can exchange our stress for His rest as we lift our worries in worship, we would have broken down.
Prayer keeps you fit and get your spiritual antenna high. You can know what deal to sign by the Spirit of God.
There are still inventions. There are still creative answers. The world needs praying professionals.
Do not depend on your Pastor’s prayers. Even your Pastor needs you to pray for him or her also.
A man who knows how to get on his knees will not lose his feet. A man who bows to God will stand in the world.
Divinations cannot stand. Incantations will fail.
Witchcraft will bow.
Manipulation will cease.
You cannot be neutral in battle. The neutral one is the worst hit.
You also cannot be casual. The casual one can become the casualty.
Pray! Friends. Pray!
Temiloluwa Ola, Eruwa