In the second year of ministry, we needed to formalize a process. We had spent quite some money and we awaited a positive response. We waited and heard nothing. After a while, I got a message that we have to start all over again. I was broken. I knew how valuable the money of God’s people is. It pained me.
I returned home that evening and Irewamiri was in the kitchen. I sat on our freezer like a piece of weak vegetable. I broke the news to her. I did not know when water began to drop from my eyes. I felt so weak. She came to me and said, “Darling, money may be lost but we must not lose our joy. We will try again and God will do it”. I did not know when I began to smile. We got it sorted eventually faster and cheaper.
Beloved, it is not good to be alone in a season of setbacks but much more, the quality of the person(s) by your side is also very important. The quality of the person by your side will determine the quality of the counsel you get. It is also one of the determinants of the eventual outcome of that season.
The interesting thing is that you would have chosen the circle of people that will be around you before issues arise. If you have chosen men who lack wisdom, your outcome in such moments will reflect the status of your company. Blessed is the man who is surrounded by wise counsellors, the quality of his life will be great. The man surrounded by the wrong counsel will have a journey in life full of repairs. There are repairs that are costlier than the building.
A season of a setback is a sensitive season. You are at your most vulnerable state. A butcher can cut and a surgeon can also cut but the butcher kills while the surgeon gives another chance to live.
If you are surrounded by butchers, rather than wisdom, foolishness will flow. In place of a walk in the love of God, bitterness, hatred and resentment can take over your soul. Where you are meant to be encouraged, you become overwhelmed with negative words and thoughts flowing out of negative suggestions.
But when the Lord has blessed you with surgeons, you will have voices like that of Naaman’s servant who will say things that will move you a step closer to your answered prayers.
And his servants came near and spoke to him, and said, “My father, if the prophet had told you to do something great, would you not have done it? How much more then, when he says to you, ‘Wash, and be clean’?” So he went down and dipped seven times in the Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God; and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.
(II Kings 5:13-14 NKJV)
If you are surrounded by voices that sow discouragement, your journey in destiny will be prolonged. Start making an intelligent choice now. Pray-in men of counsel and understanding into your life.
David had killed giants, but there was a day when David was almost killed by a giant. What saved him? He had a giant killer by his side.
Who are those by your side – Giant killers or vision killers; prayer partners or passion killers?