Danielle walked into my office and met me having a conversation with a dear protégé. She came in excitedly and my protégé gave her the “High Five” hand gesture. Daniele went on her knees and greeted him without giving him a “High Five” in return.

She then came to hug me and then I said, “Give me a High Five”. She did just that. But I learnt a major lesson:

If a father treats you as a friend or a trainer treats you as a friend, be wise enough to treat him as a father or a trainer. Do not take the gesture for granted. Be wise enough to draw the lines.

Jesus for instance told the disciples that “I will call you friends from now”.

“You are My friends… I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you”.
John 15:14 – 15 NKJV

What did the disciples call Jesus? He could have easily been called “My friend” too but even though he extended the gracious hand of friendship, they still learnt to draw the line.

Therefore, that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it) and plunged into the sea. John 21:7 NKJV

They called Him Lord!
That perception affected their disposition. It impacted their response.

There are times my Dad would introduce me on outings as his friend. I would have a good smile but I know that he is my Father.

Do not be confused! Do not misinterpret roles. Do not take gracious disposition for granted. Be careful that your perception does not become a hindrance when you are meant to walk in honour.

If you see your trainer as a friend, you can begin to take instructions as suggestions. That will surely affect your progress. The weight you attach to anything coming from them will also be affected.

The fact that a teacher calls you my friend does not change the fact that he is your teacher. Do not take access and privilege for granted.

There is love in sharing