I had injection abscess when I was in Secondary School. On the day that it would be incised, I wore a free-flowing top to the hospital. When it was my turn for the surgery, the first thing I pulled off was my cloth as I laid naked on the table of surgery.
I came to the hospital with a growth covered with my clothes and no one knew my ailment except the doctors and his attendants. I left the hospital clothed but the growth had been dealt with by the loving care and skilful knife of the surgeon.
Let us start with Pastors, you must have some things that a Surgeon has. First, you must know your members and the areas of their lives that need the knife of God’s Word. Second, you must know how to skillfully address the pains in their lives without making an announcement out of it. Their secrets must be safe with you.
I trust my doctor. I could lay naked on that surgery table knowing that his knife would cut me to heal me and not to kill me. Dear Pastor, gain the trust of your people. Develop the skill of precision through the study of the Word, intercession and listening to the voice of the Lord.
And to Church Members. Every time the knife of God’s Word cuts you, do not start fighting the surgeon or running away from the surgery table. Let God finish what He has started in you. His touch is to heal even when the process seems painful.
There is someone who has been abused by spiritual figures. You have vowed to carry the wound around rather than trust any Pastor anymore. A patient would rather find a trusted doctor than die from his sickness. Do not let lack of trust keep you away from healing touches. Pray to God to lead you to your Pastor and try again.
God said through Jeremiah the Prophet that:
And I will give you [spiritual] shepherds after My own heart [in the final time], who will feed you with knowledge and understanding and judgment.
Jeremiah 3:15 AMPC
Stop carrying the wound around. Ask God to lead you to your own Pastor. Let the hidden things be dealt with under pastoral care.