A young man came to me once after one of our services. He said that he felt led to be a member of the church. He said, “It was the Spirit that led me to come here this morning. As a matter of fact, I left my church to come”.

I thanked God for his life but then asked him, “What role do you play in church?” He was in assisting the leadership of one of the units. I said to him, “Thanks for coming today. We would be glad to receive you here on one condition- would you kindly approach your pastor and tell him what the Spirit told you? Come back after you have met with your pastor. God bless you”. I did not see him afterwards.

I could relate with him because I used to be like him in my early days as a believer (He was even better off). I had no church where I settled (back then on campus). I could be on my way to my regular fellowship and then “one spirit” will just blow me to another one that I heard their sound on the way. I fellowshipped as the wind blew. It did not help my growth in any way. I thought that was being led by the Spirit.

First, God is not a God of disorderliness. He is also not the author of confusion.

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Let all things be done decently and in order.

1 Corinthians 14:33, 40 KJV

People who behave that way have not come to understand the place of the Local Church and the role of a Pastor in their lives. There are two things the Lord will bless every believer with: A Spiritual Family (The Local Church) and a Shepherd (A Pastor):

Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: and I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

Jeremiah 3:14-15 KJV

God will bring you to Zion (a picture of the church) and He will give you Pastors according to his heart. 

It is pride (that flows from ignorance) to say “I belong everywhere. I don’t have a church. I go anywhere as the spirit leads me”.

Even by nature, when a child is born, his identity is traced to a family where he is nurtured and trained. He is also taught how to be responsible. The family cares for him also.

Can you imagine your child brought home a potential spouse and you ask about his identity and family and he or she says, “I am a human being. I don’t belong to any family. Being a human being is enough. There are times I am a part of your family and there are times I can belong to another family. But just know I am a human being”. Will you allow your child to marry a vagabond? Definitely not!

One of the important decisions you must make this season is to be rooted in a Church as led by the Spirit of the Lord. Stop confusing yourself. Stop jumping around.

Only trees that are planted can be fruitful. Trees are not made to jump from place to place. They cannot survive that way. You are also the planting of the Lord; you are not wired to jump around.

Jumping trees have no fruit.

Jumping trees have withered leaves.

Jumping trees lack nutrients

Jumping trees cannot get pruned.

Jumping trees end up lacking life

Jumping trees dry up.

Are you a jumping tree?

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

There is love in sharing

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