The Lord had shown me that Irewamiri was going to be my wife. One evening, I wanted to visit after work hours. I went home first to at least have a bath and change my clothes. As I pulled a shirt out of the wardrobe, the Holy Spirit said to me, “Wear that shirt”. My response was sharp, “Lord, I cannot”.
I had to ask the Holy Spirit, “Who wears the shirt that has a brand of a previous relationship with a lady you are eyeing?” I eventually obeyed.
It was a great evening. But as I left her house, she spotted the name behind my shirt and asked, “Pastor, what is the meaning of the name behind your shirt?” I was almost like, “Holy Spirit, did you hear that?” I had to explain that it was a combination of the name of my ex and me.
She asked, “Ex! What happened?” I responded, “If you were the one that a young lawyer tells that he is abandoning his practice to come to serve the Lord in Eruwa, would it be that easy for you to follow him?”
She took a deep breath and said, “Eruwa is not that bad” and she added, “Pastor, I will be praying for her. She will come back”. I smiled and drove off. I already knew why the Holy Spirit asked me to wear that vest. It was to show me Irewamiri’s heart.
No matter how much vogue our generation brings into Christianity, one thing remains sure- God still speaks today and He is interested in ordering the steps of our lives and there are times it will be in the tiniest details.
Hear what the Psalmist said: The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
Psalms 37:23 NLT
Did you see “every detail”? God is interested in your decisions. If you will permit Him and follow His prompt even when it seems senseless to you, you will be well guided.
You make decisions by looking at your experiences yesterday. God brings your future into your present to give you a healthy advantage in destiny by showing you adjustments to make.
Prophet Jeremiah said to us: I know, Lord, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. So correct me, Lord, but please be gentle.
Jeremiah 10:23-24a NLT
I know you are in the season of planning and projections. Take your map from what the Lord has said to you or revealed to you.
Is the Lord against you using your mind? No! Not at all. Our father wants us to be able to make decisions according to His will, plan, and purpose for us.
Stop gambling your way into destiny. Let the Lord lead you. Let Him direct your steps. Take the coordinates from Him and get set for a flight in destiny.