When I got the invitation to speak at the event, I got my prayer gear engaged. I knew I needed God all the way. I prayed. I waited on God.

The meeting was an outstanding time. Something shifted even in me.

But the real deal was a day after. The Holy Spirit woke me up at about 2am with a song in my spirit.

The last line of the song said literally, “After this encounter, let us see you (the Lord) before we leave”.

Then the spirit of God laid it on my mind how I spent a lot of times in prayers before the event but I have not even given a fragment of it in thanksgiving.

I repented!

Most times when we are trusting for a miracle, we are always praying and trusting God. After we get answers to prayers, we give a casual “thank you” Lord and move on with our lives.

We must not be like the nine lepers who did not return. Jesus asked, “Where are the remaining nine?”

When the one that knows it all is asking questions, there is a problem.

Like the one leper, we must learn to return with a loud voice and a heart of gratitude. Some of us pray with the whole of our being but return with some garnished and sandwiched attitude of thanks.

Stop that habit!

If God has done for you more than you can ask or imagine, return a praise more than you received also.

After Moses and the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, there were songs of thanksgiving. They danced and played instruments.

But after Joshua and the people crossed the Jordan, there was no record of thanksgiving. They simply went on to the next task.

Which one is a picture of your lifestyle?

Postscript: COMPASS DEVOTIONAL has been a blessing to many. Feedback keeps returning almost daily. Would you love to be a part of our partners for the next publication? Send your support to Ola, Anuoluwapo Temiloluwa 9202266495 Stanbic IBTC.

There is love in sharing

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