Most times when the library door closes, the girl I had my eyes on would always go to another part of the campus to read.

Trust me, even when I am sleepy, I still try to also find another place to read so I can have the privilege of accompanying her back to the hostel.

Over time when we became close, when I ask by text message about where she was, we termed that spot, “The secret place”.

I would get a text that says “I am in the secret place”.

The irony of our secret place is that it is not a private spot. It is simply secret because that is where we get to catch up.

Friends, our relationship and bond grew because of the secret place. In the same manner, your relationship with God grows when you understand the power of the secret place.

He that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Jesus in teaching us about prayer said that our Father dwells in secret. Jesus would normally go to a secret place.

Relationships blossom when some things are kept between the two parties. The things that are not said in words are perfectly understood.

A secret place is simply that place where you know it is only between you and the one you love. There are no distractions. You look into his or her face. You soak in every word.

If someone ever stumbles into the two of you, you get “annoyed” because you do not want a third party.

For most people now, your intruder in your secret place can even be your phone. You set a time and a place to spend a while with God but as you read the Word, other applications keep intruding. Work on that!

Do you know what Peter said?

(And we have to listen to Peter because Peter slept most times Jesus prayed. He slept at the Mount of Transfiguration and in the Garden of Gethsemane)

“Since we are approaching the end of all things, be intentional, purposeful, and self-controlled so that you can be given to prayer.” 1 Peter 4:7 TPT

If you have a problem with sleeping and concentrating in the secret place like Peter, please listen to him!

Do you know he was the one that told us to be sober and vigilant also because of the devil who roars like a lion?

Peter knows something that we must also know- “Don’t joke with the secret place”

There is love in sharing

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