A dear father told my sweetheart on phone that “When I see Pastor Temi, make sure he has added weight”. We had a good laugh over the phone.

Amazingly, we got to visit him. As we were exiting, I mentioned that I have added weight. He said, “You are looking good actually but adding weight is expensive. Your wardrobe has to be changing”.

There are things that maturity will take away. There are friends you will lose because you grew up. You do not get to go to the same places again.

A decision as simple as getting to church early rather than late will make you drop out of certain companies.

The decision to wake earlier and spend some time in the Word and Prayer is enough to shake some things off your list.

It is interesting how with growth we realise that some things we thought were important are actually not as important as we thought.

Growth comes with regular changes. I have a daughter that is growing and cloths and shoes have to change periodically and at times with amazing speed.

Imagine that my daughter loves a shoe so much and then refuses to grow because of that shoe? Awkward! Weird!!

But that is how we are sometimes. You love your company so much that even if they are not growing, you choose not to outgrow them.

You love your habits so much that you choose not to outgrow them.

Have you had a favourite dress or shirt before that you outgrew? At times, you want to force yourself to still wear it but you are no longer comfortable. You may tear it if you are not careful.

Same way, you realise you cannot sustain conversations again with some people- values have changed! You no longer think the same way.

Leave peacefully or the tear may make things worse.

Rejoice. Growth is taking place.

Would you still struggle to wear what you have outgrown? Or would you rather wave bye and trust God for the new that He is bringing?

By the way, when the baby outgrows the womb, discomfort begins and delivery takes place.

Let me pray for you: May you become uncomfortable in the wrong places. May you deliver great things to your world.

There is love in sharing
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