Some days after arrival in the orientation camp for my National Youth Service, I was walking back to the hostel after the fellowship when I spotted a young man. I sensed the Lord was asking me to give him the money I had on me. I did not hesitate.

Some weeks later was when I got to know that he lost all the money he brought to camp and he was stranded. What I gave him sustained him till we got our first allowance.

He became such a great part of my journey years later. He would be willing to drive me around to meetings and ministrations. He would use his resources to take care of some of my needs with out me asking. He became a brother and burden bearer. He has relieved me of quite some work load in the years past. God blessed me with a burden bearer.

Beloved, there is a category of people called burden bearers. They are willing to carry life’s demands for your sake without asking. They are not around you because of anything you can offer. No! They are there because they are led. They are with you like angels because they are sent. They minister to your needs and relieve you of burdens.

There are some who carry small things that can be a distraction while they allow you to focus on big things. They are there to help you take care of your kids. They are there to help you run basic errands. Please, do not take them for granted.

Some are major weight lifters. They are always there to bear burdens with you no matter how heavy it is. They are like Rebecca, the mother of Jacob. Jacob in fear asked her, “What if Daddy discovers that I am not Esau? What if he places a curse on me instead of the blessing?” Do you know the response of this biological burden bearer?

But his mother said to him, “Let your curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice, and go, get them for me.”
Genesis 27:13 NKJV

She was willing to bear even his curse. Do you know it was not long afterwards that Rebecca faded from the scene? We heard nothing about her again after Jacob had to leave home to avoid being killed by Esau.

What sort of burden bearer is that? She was willing to bear even the curse so the son can carry the blessing.

First, you have such a burden bearer in Christ. He took on the curse on the cross so that you who believe in him carry the blessing for life. Never take your greatest burden bearer for granted.

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Galatians 3:13‭-‬14 NKJV

Second, please look around you. Who are those who kill the small fires for you so you can focus on bigger things? Some have spouses who resigned to build the home. Never abuse them because you have risen in your career. It will be hitting below the belt. Never cheat on them. Do not do it.

There are be a junior colleague who handles things that can distract you. When you have your big wins, share the loot of war with them. Honour their sacrifices. A true burden bearer will never ask. But it is honourable and wise to be a blessing.

What about your pastors? They are the first you call us for counsel. They are at times the first responders in some crises. They have stayed on their knees for you. They have instructed and taught you the word of God. A sincere pastor does not feel entitled but what have you done to relieve him of the demands around him also? Be wise.

Burden bearers make sure that we do not get exposed in our vulnerable places. No matter what you do, never take burden bearers for granted.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

There is love in sharing

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