Whenever we step out of our house, we would always see an array of snails at various points on the fence of the house and in other areas of the estate. Iremawiri began to keep some really big snails. She did so well that she inspired my parents to build a snailery in their compound. 

Then she got pregnant and the unexpected began to manifest (smiles). She became nauseated at the sight of snails. Every single one she had raised had to be relocated. We were all surprised. What happened? Pregnancy shifted something in her. It affected her taste. 

First, I desire to say a word of prayer for every family waiting on the Lord: The Lord that makes impossible situations become a testimony will visit you. You will carry your seeds. Medical complications will become miracles of divine intervention. You will laugh. You will laugh. You will celebrate. 

Every time you are carrying a vision, something will shift on your inside. There is a state you must be in for the vision to be carried to term and delivered to your world. If you value the vision, you will not joke with the changes. 

There will be two types of changes: 

First, the recommended change. There will be recommended changes. This will come from those who are guiding you to stay in shape for the delivery of the vision. They will tell you what you need to eat, and things you should avoid. 

In the same vein, you need to stop feeding on certain things and begin to feed well on other things to build a solid vision. I learned at age 80, Papa Kenneth E. Hagin was still studying the word for five hours a day. That is a huge sign of a man carrying a vision to teach the Word to his World. 

His son said that there were times they would leave him at his study table in the morning and still find him there when they return from school. And if they wake up at night, they will likely find him studying. 

Second, there will be demanded change. There will be changes that will not be recommended but the vision itself will demand. 

For instance, if you are a minister of the gospel, especially called to raise a local church, you may initially be excited by invitations to one place or the other. But soon, you will realize that the work needs you more than you can imagine. 

If at that point, you are tempted by the allure of honourariums and not the vision that is growing on your inside, you would have missed out on something very important. You will have a great itinerary but birth a weak vision. You cannot be a great pastor and a powerful itinerant preacher at the same time. The vision will demand you. 

Whether it is recommended change or demanded change, the focus is safe delivery.

Let the one who carries the vision be very wise. 

Do not eat everything. 

Do not go everywhere.

My Grandpa in the Faith told me that if he will start ministry again, he would have three major priorities: “Build the people. Build the people. Build the people”. 

Does that not sound like, “Focus on the vision? Do not abandon the pregnancy. Do not jump around”?

Be blessed. 

There is love in sharing

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