Just before I made a major decision in my life’s journey, I had to visit quite some folks. I was asked on one of those trips about what I do, “I mentioned that I was a Pastor”. I had to add that “I planted a church in Eruwa”.
The next thing I heard was “So you are one of those that said that God called them right?” I did not know how to answer. Further statements were made to show that I was only on a path where I would suffer. What an evening it was.
But I want to say to a beloved one who has chosen a path in God that seem at loggerhead with the expectation of many- refuse to be ashamed. Hold on to hope.
One of the works of hope in the life of a Child of God is to ensure that you are not put to shame. Hope does not make ashamed.
“And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!”
Romans 5:5 TPT
Everyone may look at God’s call upon your life and conclude that it is a mere disappointing fantasy but beloved keep at it. What looks small today will turn big. And even if it cannot be called big by human judgment, obedience to God’s will is already such a Big Deal.
There is no one who has chosen not to be disobedient to an heavenly given vision that is small! You are Heaven’s VIP!
Hold your head high up. Give your best to the vision. God will never disappoint you. That seed will not be despised forever. Stay strong.
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