She did not tell me this until after she said “Yes” to my proposal: She was always losing her peace whenever she said to herself that she does not want to marry me.

I understand it all. Who wants to marry a man who has mouth but no money? Who wants to marry a man who cannot answer questions like, “How do we pay the bills- diapers, dinners and dresses?”

For her it was an “I love you as a person but this thing you do and this place you are does not just fit my dreams” moment.

She struggled. But every time she struggled with what she knew as the will of God, she lost her peace.

Friend, if you do everything else except the will of God, your soul will constantly be in a troubled state. Your soul is only wired to rest in the will of God.

There are things you can do that can bring you what looks like peace but it never gets to last. When you are back to yourself, you notice that there is still that huge void- an emptiness!

There is nothing else like doing God’s will. Nothing in this world can satisfy like walking with Him. Jesus is the cup that never runs out.

Listen to how Jesus puts it:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life…I’ll show you how to take a real rest (Matthew 11:28‭ MSG)

Lasting rest is found in leaning on and learning from Christ. Anything else is a mirage.

A believer will not find rest except he or she does the will of God.

Why do you have to drive home annoyed with life, hitting the steering wheel when there is peace in doing His will? You know you need to yield to His call.

You keep losing your peace when you cross the lines with that guy or babe but you keep covering it up with “At least we are getting married”. His will is sanctification. That you abstain from sexual immorality.

Why do you have to roll and sigh all night when all you need do is confess to your spouse and fight for your marriage rather than cover up?

In your desperation to get wealthy, you have lost your consecration. You want to cover it all up by “sowing into kingdom projects” but you still do not have peace- God wants rest for your soul and not your money!

Friend, if you do everything else except the will of God, your soul will constantly be in a troubled state. Your soul is only wired to rest in the will of God.

Do His Will!

There is love in sharing

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