Many years back, I was visiting my uncle and aunt in the city of Lagos. They have amazing children. The youngest daughter was about four years old at the time. One evening, my aunt, her elder sister, and I were having some informal conversation in the girl’s room.

My little niece stepped out of the restroom with a towel around her waist. We carried on our conversation without minding her presence. The next thing we heard was “Uncle Temi, can you please excuse me? I want to dress up!”

All of us were shocked at the audacity of this little girl. There was silence all over the room and I stepped out without saying a Word.

She had come to a level of awareness. She knows her identity as a woman. No matter what I think, it must be honoured.

It is the same for us as Christians. An ignorant Christian would remain a victim of the devil and his schemes. Anyone who lacks understanding would remain in captivity. The devil thrives where ignorance is bliss.

Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.
Isaiah 5:13 KJV

Hell gains more ground where men are ignorant of its schemes.

Therefore hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth without measure…
Isaiah 5:14 KJV

A believer with understanding will always shut the mouth of the devil and thwarts all his schemes. It is not just enough to be saved, if you will walk in dominion and exercise spiritual authority, you must come to the knowledge of the truth.

Spiritual authority is not a function of age but a function of light. You can be 20 years old in the faith and remain in the creche of the Spirit fighting over space and feeding bottles. And you can be a year old in the faith and you are already breaking bones, especially the backbone of the devil and his schemes.

Some things are available to you because you are a child of God but they only work for you when you grow to become a Son! Go for light. Grow in understanding.

You can cast out demons.
You can walk in authority.
You can lead others to Christ.
You can lay hands on the sick.
You can; as long as you choose to grow.

Tell the devil today that he has no space around you. Go for light so you do not remain a lightweight in the things of the Lord.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing