About two years into the work of ministry in Eruwa, I travelled to Ibadan and ran into one of my coursemates at the university. We exchanged pleasantries for a bit. He was coming from a court outside the state. We caught up a bit on old times.
When we were done, as he drove off, the devil said, “Temi, see your mate. He now has a car. Do you have one yet? You are driving your father’s car”. As I drove away, the thoughts were almost getting at me when I began to laugh at the strange thoughts:
First, I do not even know whether he is also driving his father’s or friend’s car. And even if it was his own, nothing changes. I am glad my colleagues are making progress. Second, at least, I have a father who was willing to part with his car so I can use it. Finally, I had a good smile and ended up in thanksgiving.
Stop that comparison game. It will depress you. Be genuinely happy when you see others making headway. Appreciate what is happening in their lives. Refuse to fall into the game of comparison.
Do not load your life with the pressure of what you see happening with others. Celebrate them genuinely. Stay consistent. Do not be complacent. Keep learning. Do appraisals. Make adjustments. But never fall into the self-dug pit of feeling “less-than”. Do not let that trap grip your soul. It will tear you apart.
This is the danger: If you fall into the trap of comparison, you will either generate a “pseudo-energy” to pursue things at all cost, even at the cost of your character or you lose momentum and the energy to pursue at all. Whichever one, it is an unhealthy approach.
Every time the thoughts of comparison come, let it serve as a reminder to take stock of the things you are grateful for. Hold on patiently. Live in wisdom. Learn from teachers. Be calm. Celebrate the progress of others. Refuse to get depressed. Stay in joy.
Let me close with the words of Paul:
So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.
1 Corinthians 15:58 NLT
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa