We were just to stop by with our dear teachers and we planned to spend the entire day before continuing the trip. Some few hours into our stay, we hinted that we would be leaving. They protested and said, “We planned to host you for lunch and dinner”.

We knew it was a privilege. We rearranged our schedules immediately. We made the necessary calls and decided to spend the night with our teachers. That night changed everything- a simple question at the dinner table brought my wife into a new season that changed our marital lives forever. A talk over food brought a seed into my heart that erupted weeks later as a major blessing.

Friends, Jacob went into an all-night conversation with the supernatural, he emerged the next morning a different person. He went in as Jacob with all his limitations, fears and struggles but he emerged an Israel, a prince of the Lord with the sun announcing a new season for him.

Forget your schedule. I know you are a detailed person but if you ever have something bigger than you coming for you or if you ever have a vision bigger than your heart can handle, you better get yourself into an alone moment with what God has prepared. Interact with the divine and return with strength for the journey.

You must get into that moment where distractions are all shut out. Raise your voice like a trumpet and pray out what you want to see. Let the divine ask you questions as it happened for Jacob and my wife. Let the questions reveal your shortcomings and in all sincerity, give answers that introduce you to who God wants you to be.

Do you remember the woman at the well? A simple question of “Where is your husband” opened her up to the new season that God has prepared for her. She came with an empty pot but left that encounter with a river flowing from within. She could not keep the gush on a leash- she was unleashed.

Hear Me- this is the season where everything changes for you! There are depths locked up within you and may the Lord bring you into conversations that unlock the flow of destiny.

In the name of Jesus, you come into a season of illumination that brings you into an overflow. Your cup runs over this season. There is a spill-over of all that you are loaded with. This is a season of impact for you. May Israel emerge from your Jacob.

Your limitations are buried. Your possibilities are speaking forth. The line is crossed and the barriers are broken. The sun rises over you. Welcome to your new dawn. You come to meet the you that God kept in you!

You confront your Esau in the cloak of divine favour. What planned to consume you will have friendly conversations with you. You birth things bigger than you can imagine. You discern seasons and move with accuracy.

May this be the day that changes everything. May you not miss the night that turns the conversation. Welcome to a new season.

There is love in sharing

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