I was reading about 3 am that September morning in 2009. I was awaiting a miracle for my Law School posting. It had become a naughty issue. That morning, while reading a book by Myles Munroe, “Principles and Benefits of Change,” I heard the Lord speak to me at my parent’s dining table. He said, “Son, there is a repositioning coming to the land of Eruwa; I want you to be there to reap the harvest.”

This was a follow-up on similar prompts I had received in 2006 and a solid eight points He had given in 2008. It took a while, but I knew I had been called to serve the purpose of God in my generation.

You have a calling upon your life. You must not take it for granted. A calling is a divine beckoning. It is God calling you to Himself so you can represent Him properly wherever He deploys you. The calling is first to intimacy and fellowship. It is a call to know God before going for him. A man who goes for Him must go from Him.

You are not a headache to the devil until you decide to say “Yes” to God’s demand for your life. Salvation is God calling you out of captivity. Calling is God sending you to bring others out of captivity. The devil is protecting his captives. You have an assignment to fulfill. There will be a clash.

If you are just talented but lack awareness of the call, the devil is fine with it. If you convert the call to a social enterprise called an NGO, the devil is also fine with it. Anything that makes you not go all the way pleases him. He loves half-measures.

Whenever the call is varied, and obedience is limited, frustration and lack of fulfilment are never far. You will always know that something is missing. Listen, the devil can even sponsor your disobedience by distracting you with bigger deals that make you comfortable.

The called man who acknowledges and responds to it pleases the Lord. Such a man is helped by God. The supply of God to a called man is called Grace. The grace in the call will provide the privileges, the protection, the preservation, the provisions, the power, and the promotion. The calling takes you from the company of beggars into the communion of greatness.

There is no life as sweet as one that the devil is scared of and God is pleased with.

If you say I am not called to be a Pastor, at least lead your home and children as a priest.

Lead them to Christ. That is a calling too.

If you say, I am not called to be an Apostle, at least break new grounds on your knees through intercession. Pray for souls and communities to Christ. That is a calling too.

If you say, I am not called to be a Teacher, at least be a disciple who disciples others. Let someone be rooted in Christ and in the church because of you. That is a calling too.

If you say I am not a prophet, at least be so in tune with God like David that you lose sleep because you enjoy the best and the kingdom of God has demands for the gospel. Be willing to raise altars of burnt offerings that cost you something.

If you say I am not an evangelist, that’s fine. At least, be a great steward of divine resources. Have a clear mindset that all you have belongs to God, and you will give an account someday.

You are called.

Pursue the call.

Do your best at the level He has placed you.

Moses’s parents did many things with their lives, but God took note of the conception and raising of Moses as their “act of faith”. Calling makes you focus on things that count. Are you focused beloved?

©temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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