Before I left service year, I had written a full document titled “My Life After Service: Pursuing the Call and Embracing Purpose”. I documented my dealings with the Lord from 2006 to 2011. I sent this document to my mentors and my pastor during my service year. 

Just before I left service year, I had the opportunity to see my pastor, and the prayer he prayed for me still sticks with me to date. He said, “Lord, a lot of us started confused. Lord, bless him with clarity”. 

Beloved, a confused man cannot do mighty things. God is not an author of confusion.

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace…

1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV

When He spoke with Habbakuk, He told us that the vision must be so plain that those who run can still read it and those who read it can still run with it. 

And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by.

Habakkuk 2:2 AMPC

I was almost caught in the trap of confusion in the early days of the calling. I was trying to do so many things at the same time. It was my pastor who also asked me, “Temi, do you want to pastor a church or do you want to run an NGO? Choose one”. That was the reset question that I needed. 

You cannot vary God’s call yourself. Some men have turned the calling into NGOs. They are scared of going all the way and decide to meet God somewhere in the middle. They lack clarity. 

Some men are doing so many things at the same time. That is why many remain small. Any tree that begins to grow branches while it is small will never grow tall. A baby vision should not start having babies. Even in business, some opportunities can kill your primary business. Do not fall into the trap. Even nature teaches us that it takes growth and maturity to birth another. When a tree grows, it has the strength to carry the branches. 

When the vision of a thing is clear, it becomes the screening filter of opportunities. For instance, Jesus had the opportunity to be an earthly king but ran from it because he had clarity. 

Therefore when Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, He departed again to the mountain by Himself alone.

John 6:15 NKJV

A confused man would have accepted the kingship. He would return to say, “I did not want it, but I accepted it because they all wanted me to be their king”. 

Do you want clarity? Spend time in the Word to know God. Let God reveal “you” to you. Begin to take divinely led initiative. Document your journey. Keep a journal of instructions. Listen with the filter of vision on your heart. Retreat if need be. Not all opportunities are yours. Not all open doors can be accessed. Some are graveyards. 

© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

There is love in sharing

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